There is so much the world wants to offer us, but is it enough for us? We move on to the next new thing before we know it. What is…
In addition to the indoor in-person worship experience, we’ll also continue Live Streaming our services for those who prefer to join online.  This week, Pastor Josh will be preaching on…
We’re excited to welcome Jay Kratz as a guest worship leader for the morning.  Jay is a candidate for the Director of Music and Worship role.  Pastor Josh will be…
Pastor Josh will be kicking off a new sermon series called Master Storyteller, in which we’ll be considering a variety of life-giving and faith-stretching parables.

Rooted in Fasting

January 26, 2020
“Rooted in Fasting” -- This spiritual exercise might sound “yucky”, but fasting is explicitly taught in Scripture and has a long track record of benefit.

Rooted in Prayer

January 19, 2020
Why do we find it so difficult to root our lives in prayer? What are the roadblocks keeping us from communicating with and listening to God? How can we develop…