Why Do We Sing?
“When you come together,” Paul writes to the Christians who met together at Corinth, “what should be done then, my friends?” (1 Cor. 14:26, NRSV). Another way of asking the question could be this: when the body of Christ comes together, what does it look like? Paul says that each comes prepared to offer a spiritual contribution: a hymn, a lesson, a revelation, a tongue, or an interpretation. All of these offerings qualified by one primary goal: to build up the Church. Like the old children’s song says: Brother won’t you help us? Sister won’t you help us? We’re building up the temple of the Lord! This Sunday we look forward to building up and to being built up through the sharing of songs by several brothers and sisters who will witness to how God has used particular songs, at particular times, to bring endurance, healing, and hope to the body of Christ! Click Here to go to YouTube for the live stream of this service.