On Earth as it is in Heaven
As we begin thinking about putting away the decorations and try to finish off the last of the holiday desserts before our New Years’ diets begin, may our refrains of “joy to the world” and “O come let us adore Him” resound throughout 2024 into Eternity! But the cost of discipleship by King Jesus far exceeds seasonal piety and yuletide lip service. Jesus calls his disciples to the cross of self denial—the letting go of both “goods and kindred”—the surrender of even life itself. In the place of these things, the way and words of Jesus take first place in our minds, hearts, and lives. Join us this week as we begin a new sermon series on simply and radically living out Jesus’ teachings from the Sermon on the Mount. O come let us adore Him—Yes!; and may our lives reflect and proclaim the reign of King Jesus.