Following the Spirit: From Creation to Pentecost
September 25, 2022

Following the Spirit: From Creation to Pentecost

Passage: Romans 8:5-13

Join us this Sunday as we begin a study on the Holy Spirit and Spiritual Gifts that will be continued in our October Bible Study series, Abide with Me: An Invitation from the Holy Spirit. Brothers and sisters, as followers of Jesus we have not only the gift of the Holy Spirit (as Jesus says in Acts 1:4-5), but also the obligation to live according to the Spirit (as Paul says in Romans 8:12). As we affirm and celebrate both our gift and obligation to live in the Spirit, we naturally look back at ways the Spirit has worked in our lives and at our response to His work. In this posture of looking back, acknowledging, and celebrating the Spirit’s work, we pause to consider some of the foremost ways God’s Holy Spirit has been active—moving to accomplish His will—from Creation to Pentecost. As you prepare for our worship gathering on Sunday, consider how easy or challenging it is for you to identify the Spirit’s role and work in your own life.

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