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We are excited to welcome two leaders in Christian education who will be contributing to this Sunday’s worship service. Stephen Schrag is Head of Quakertown Christian and will be sharing…
We spent time in the first half of the Beatitudes and this week Pastor Kyle will finish up these Kingdom attitudes. These Kingdom attitudes seem unrealistic. How can anyone follow…
Meditate on this Sunday’s Scripture Reading:  Matthew 5:3-6 This Sunday I am privileged to begin the first of a two-part series on the Beatitudes, which are the opening verses to…
As we begin thinking about putting away the decorations and try to finish off the last of the holiday desserts before our New Years’ diets begin, may our refrains of…
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Kyle Rodgers

Pastor of Outreach and Youth

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Rob Presthus

Pastor of Administration and Care

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Latest Sermons

We are excited to welcome two leaders in Christian education who will be contributing to this Sunday’s worship service. Stephen Schrag is Head of Quakertown Christian and will be sharing…
We spent time in the first half of the Beatitudes and this week Pastor Kyle will finish up these Kingdom attitudes. These Kingdom attitudes seem unrealistic. How can anyone follow…
Meditate on this Sunday’s Scripture Reading:  Matthew 5:3-6 This Sunday I am privileged to begin the first of a two-part series on the Beatitudes, which are the opening verses to…
As we begin thinking about putting away the decorations and try to finish off the last of the holiday desserts before our New Years’ diets begin, may our refrains of…
1 2 3 7 8 9 10 11 75 76 77


Kyle Rodgers

Pastor of Outreach and Youth

View Sermons >>

Rob Presthus

Pastor of Administration and Care

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