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The Good News of Easter

April 17, 2022
Scattered through the New Testament we find short, dense summaries of the good news of Jesus Christ.  Two of these – one from Peter (Acts 10:24-44) and one from Paul…

Palm Sunday Peace

April 10, 2022
We celebrate Palm Sunday this week, a day which kicks off Holy Week and our commemoration of the final week of Christ’s life. On his way into Jerusalem, Jesus weeps…
This week, Pastor Kyle will be wrapping up our series in the book of Ephesians. What is part of the armor of God? Why do we need these tools? In…
As we near the end of our Ephesians sermon series, we are coming down the homestretch of this remarkable letter. In the final chapter, Paul encourages his readers to “be…
1 2 3 34 35 36 37 38 75 76 77


Kyle Rodgers

Pastor of Outreach and Youth

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Rob Presthus

Pastor of Administration and Care

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Latest Sermons

The Good News of Easter

April 17, 2022
Scattered through the New Testament we find short, dense summaries of the good news of Jesus Christ.  Two of these – one from Peter (Acts 10:24-44) and one from Paul…

Palm Sunday Peace

April 10, 2022
We celebrate Palm Sunday this week, a day which kicks off Holy Week and our commemoration of the final week of Christ’s life. On his way into Jerusalem, Jesus weeps…
This week, Pastor Kyle will be wrapping up our series in the book of Ephesians. What is part of the armor of God? Why do we need these tools? In…
As we near the end of our Ephesians sermon series, we are coming down the homestretch of this remarkable letter. In the final chapter, Paul encourages his readers to “be…
1 2 3 34 35 36 37 38 75 76 77


Kyle Rodgers

Pastor of Outreach and Youth

View Sermons >>

Rob Presthus

Pastor of Administration and Care

View Sermons >>

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