Darkness was there in the beginning, but so was God. God spoke and there was light. Our first parents sinned and darkness came back into the world. A darkness that…
Who is like the LORD? This question has underpinned Micah’s call to repentance from the beginning, and now it will be asked directly as Micah concludes his message. In the…

Thanksgiving Eve Service

November 22, 2023
'Join us this Wednesday evening at 6:30 P.M. as we gather together to celebrate God's goodness and faithfulness during this season of Thanksgiving! We will hear testimonies of how we've seen…
Join us this Sunday as we welcome the Miller family from Gospel Express Ministries. Dave will be preaching on Micah chapters four and five—the promised restoration of Israel. We are…
God’s judgment is something to be taken seriously. Last week Pastor Rob mentioned how Micah called the people “Hear”. This week he is calling leaders to “Listen”. God’s judgment comes…
God spoke through the prophet Micah to lead His people to repentance. Micah’s prophecies remind us that God expects believers to care deeply for one another and for the world…