Necessary Conversations: Domestic Violence
September 29, 2019

Necessary Conversations: Domestic Violence

Passage: Ephesians 5:25-33; Malachi 2:13-16; Micah 6:8

Bible Text: Ephesians 5:25-33; Malachi 2:13-16; Micah 6:8 | Preacher: Josh Meyer | Series: Necessary Conversations | Throughout the next five weeks we’ll be addressing some very important but often unaddressed issues in the church and society: domestic violence (Sept 29), racism (Oct 6), mental health (Oct 13), substance abuse (Oct 20) and pornography (Oct 27).  Please join us for these Necessary Conversations.

In this sermon, Pastor Josh references a previous sermon which can be viewed here.

To hear the follow-up from Wednesday evening, please click here.

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