I Am The Bread Of Life 
October 9, 2022

I Am The Bread Of Life 

Passage: John 6:25-40

To each and every one of us, the Lord Jesus declares “I am the bread of life.” He promises that if we come to Him and learn to trust and depend on Him, we will never go hungry or thirsty. For most, life in 21st century America does not leave us vulnerable to physical starvation or food scarcity. Unfortunately however, many of us are all too familiar with wandering in a spiritual desert—a dry and weary land where there is no water (Psalm 63:1). Come, behold the Lord Jesus in His sanctuary, eat of the Living Bread and never go hungry again. Seek Him earnestly, follow Him closely, and trust Him fully. 

In response to the message, we will follow Jesus’ example (given in John 13) and wash each other’s feet before breaking bread together in Communion—declaring the Lord’s death until He comes again (1 Corinthians 11:26). 

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