Broken Sexuality – Part 1
This coming Sunday we turn from the Bible’s positive portrait of sexuality to examine “Broken Sexuality.” The good gift of sex is often temptingly warped and abused in ways that God didn’t intend. Broken sexuality, ancient and contemporary, is even promoted and celebrated to the ruin of human flourishing and the danger of eternal destiny. This coming Sunday Pastor Mark will offer biblical perspectives on the LGBTQ+ movement; on Nov. 7, Pastor Kyle will address other aspects of broken sexuality dealing with pornography, pre-marital, and extra-marital sex.
The Leadership Team has compiled a list of suggested resources for this sermon series. You can access it here. Hard copies are available at the Welcome Center. Note: we will offer a special “Children’s Church” lesson on a separate topic during the sermon time throughout this series. This option is available for parents who prefer their children not be present for the sermons.