Do you know the difference between a good fruit and bad fruit? When looking at a fruit on the outside, it may seem good, but how do you know it’s…
This Sunday it so happens I will be preaching on a scripture that, it has been said, is quoted more than any other scripture. Does that make it all good?…
Do not worry. Easier said than done. How do we live a worry free life that Jesus is calling us to in Matthew 6? Why is Jesus calling us to…
“And when you pray….” Jesus assumes that we are going to be people of prayer. What does that look like in your life? If you were to describe your prayer…
Last Sunday, in preparation for foot washing, Earl reminded us of Jesus’ words in John 13—“no servant is greater than his master.” This Sunday will give us ample opportunity to…
“Old habits die hard.” How often have these words rung true in our ears—for better and for worse? The same might well have been said of the Jews of Jesus’…
A well known passage in the Sermon on the Mount. We can understand how Jesus equates Anger to Murder knowing that our chaotic anger causes harm to others, even ourselves.…
In two verses (Matthew 5:17-18) we read the great significance of the law and the prophets, but even greater is the one—Jesus Christ—who came and fulfilled them! It is urgent…
We are excited to welcome two leaders in Christian education who will be contributing to this Sunday’s worship service. Stephen Schrag is Head of Quakertown Christian and will be sharing…
We spent time in the first half of the Beatitudes and this week Pastor Kyle will finish up these Kingdom attitudes. These Kingdom attitudes seem unrealistic. How can anyone follow…