One hot summer day, Robert Lowry (pastor, hymn-writer, and Philadelphia-native) posed a question that would become the opening words to one of his most well-known songs. “Shall we gather at…
Click Here to go to YouTube for the live stream of this service.
“When you come together,” Paul writes to the Christians who met together at Corinth, “what should be done then, my friends?” (1 Cor. 14:26, NRSV). Another way of asking the…
Last Sunday, in preparation for foot washing, Earl reminded us of Jesus’ words in John 13—“no servant is greater than his master.” This Sunday will give us ample opportunity to…
All are welcome and encouraged to join us as we gather together this evening to celebrate Jesus’ birth. This good news of great joy came to us in the fullness…
God keeps His promises! Can you look back over your life and see the fingerprints of God’s faithfulness? If you’re anything like me, the old saying “hindsight is 20/20" certainly…
Over the past month we’ve studied, prayed, and sung about the Word—learning it, loving it, and living it. Now, through the month of November we turn to the life and…
Click Here to go to YouTube for the live stream of this service.
We live in an era often dubbed “the information age”—at no other point in human history have more people had greater or quicker access to information than we do today.…
This Sunday we gather to worship around the basin and around the table. As we wash each other’s feet and share the bread and cup, we remember and proclaim the…