WWJU: Hollow Worship

July 2, 2023
Worship is_________. What would you fill in? We may have heard the question, how would you define worship but have we ever taken time to ask how God defines worship?…

I Thirst

March 12, 2023
This Sunday we continue our series of Jesus’ Final Words. What is the difference between this statement from Jesus and the other six that he gives out on the cross?…

Lessons and Carols

December 25, 2022
Come all ye faithful as we gather to worship on Christmas morning—in reverence, in celebration, and with thanksgiving. We will worship our way through the nativity story by singing carols,…

I Am The Gate

October 23, 2022
This week Pastor Kyle will be taking us through John 10. What does the good shepherd do? What does it mean when he says “I am the gate”? What gate…

Another Chance

September 11, 2022
God gives us grace but also calls us to repentance. Do we see the grace God has given to us in our lives today? Do we see the need for…

The God Who Saves

June 5, 2022
Church Service will be at the Franconia Park on Allentown Rd. Pastors Josh and Kyle will be sharing the sermon together from Titus 3. Why did God save us? Arrive…