Darkness was there in the beginning, but so was God. God spoke and there was light. Our first parents sinned and darkness came back into the world. A darkness that…
God’s judgment is something to be taken seriously. Last week Pastor Rob mentioned how Micah called the people “Hear”. This week he is calling leaders to “Listen”. God’s judgment comes…

Who is Worthy?

September 17, 2023
This week we will be participating in Communion and Foot washing together. God inspired Paul to write to the church in Corinth about how they were abusing the Lord’s Supper.…
This Sunday we will be celebrating Children and Youth Sunday. The youth and pastor Kyle will be leading the service. We will have a children's lesson lead by Ms. Bronwen…
Pride can puff us up and break others down. God hates pride (Proverbs 8:13). Why does he hate it? What are the dangers of pride? Pastor Kyle will unpack this…