Once and for All

July 14, 2024
“JESUS SAVES!” This is a common phrase we, as believers, can write on signs, shirts, and more to witness to those who do not know Jesus. Why? Well, it’s easy.…

Living to Please God

June 16, 2024
Heaven, the 2nd Coming of Jesus, and Eternity. What does all of this have to do with us now? If all of these things are what is to come, does…

Heaven is….

May 26, 2024
“Well done thy good and faithful servant.” These are words from our Lord, Jesus Christ, that we all long to hear on that day we stand before judgment. What happens…
This Sunday we start our new series, “They Saw Him.” A series that walks us through the 40 days between Jesus’ Resurrection and Ascension. This week we will be covering…
Have we ever truly taken time to think about obedience? Why do we defy the commands that our God has set up? Why do we do the things that we…
A well known passage in the Sermon on the Mount. We can understand how Jesus equates Anger to Murder knowing that our chaotic anger causes harm to others, even ourselves.…
We spent time in the first half of the Beatitudes and this week Pastor Kyle will finish up these Kingdom attitudes. These Kingdom attitudes seem unrealistic. How can anyone follow…

Love to the world

December 24, 2023
We have love from the Father so why should we give love to the world? Why can’t we just keep this love from the Father for ourselves? What are Christians…

JOY in Surrender

December 10, 2023
What is the difference between happiness and joy? Is there a difference? How can we find joy in surrendering to the Lord? This week we look at Mary's song, as…