This coming Sunday we turn from the Bible’s positive portrait of sexuality to examine “Broken Sexuality.”  The good gift of sex is often temptingly warped and abused in ways that…

Search Me, God

September 26, 2021
“Prayer: If you Dare” -- September 26, 10:15amWe begin a 3-week series on prayers that can feel dangerous, but are essential for spiritual maturity and fruitfulness.  This week Pastor Mark…

Godly Disobedience

July 18, 2021
This Sunday Pastor Mark will introduce us to two unsung Bible characters whose names and actions have echoed across the millenia -- Shiphrah & Puah. Never heard of them? Come…

Don’t Park Here

June 13, 2021
Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered recovery program sponsored by our congregation.  Many persons from our community who are struggling with addictions and personal issues of various kinds are finding hope…
We conclude our series examining God’s salvation story that stretches across the whole Bible. Last Sunday Pastor Josh examined the gospel story of salvation arriving personally in Messiah Jesus and…
This coming Sunday we continue taking big gulps of Scripture to grasp the amazing gospel story of the Bible. God promised to Abraham and Sara that all the world would…
We begin a new sermon series -- “Gospel Story” -- which views the whole sweep & variety of the Bible -- Genesis to Revelation -- as a grand story of…
Helen Eastburn and Music Team will lead our singing and worship.  We will also join five sets of parents and five young daughters in Parent/Child Dedication. Pastor Mark will preach…