Big Sky Bible Camp
Big Sky Bible Camp is a summer camp and conference center located in Northwest Montana. Big Sky runs day camp, traditional camp, backpacking programs as well as a camp for those with special needs. Jamy Landis, director and Ryan Nice, Program Administrator, are members of Franconia and grew up attending there. Franconia regularly supports both Jamy and Ryan and their families. Beyond that, numerous individuals and groups have come out to Big Sky to serve.
Jamy Landis, director and Ryan Nice, Program Administrator, are members of Franconia and grew up attending there. Franconia regularly supports both Jamy and Ryan and their families. Beyond that, numerous individuals and groups have come out to Big Sky to serve.
FMC Prison Ministry
“I was in prison and you came to visit me,” (Matthew 25: 36)
We minister in SCI Graterford, Montgomery, and Bucks County Prisons to let the men and women know that God still loves them and has Forgiveness, Grace, & Mercy for them. We encourage with the scriptures and give them eternal hope through Jesus Christ our Lord as their Savior. We teach bible & Celebrate Recovery Inside (CRI) and do mentoring.
“May the God of Hope fill you with all Joy and Peace as you Trust in Him, so that you may Overflow with Hope by the Power of the Holy Spirit” (Romans 15:13).
We Care Prison Ministry
We Care is a prison ministry program based in Atmore, Alabama. The vision of We Care Program is to see the redemptive power of Christ become evident in the lives of inmates as they grow and make disciples in prison and beyond. Our mission is to fulfill the Great Commission of Christ through chaplaincy in the correctional setting. We Care Program pursues its purpose by placing and training missionary chaplains to serve in correctional facilities in Alabama, Ohio and Florida.
We Care also pursues its purpose by providing outreach opportunities and experiences which give participants an increased passion for missions and further development of spiritual gifts for more effective service in their local churches and communities.
Push the Rock
Push The Rock is a global sports ministry organization dedicated to sharing the love of Christ through the platform of sports. The ministry works with churches and missionaries throughout the world using sports to create opportunities to build relationships, share the Gospel and make disciples. Franconia Mennonite Church has supported Dustin and Hannah Leatherman for the past 10 years as they serve in this ministry.
Independent Missionary Network, Guatamala
Doing life with people, street evangelism, food & school programs, house church planting.
Chosen 300
International and Global Missions
Chosen 300 is a 501c3 non-profit which brings people of different membership groups together; helping them to realize that despite our differences in our race, ethnic group, denomination, social class, economic classes, or the diverse ways we practice our faith; we can unify ourselves for the common good. The purpose of our unification is to distribute meals and services to the homeless throughout the Philadelphia Region and around the world.
Franconia Mennonite partners with Chosen 300 to administer a monthly food distribution in Monrovia Liberia for unprivileged families.
Mennonite Central Committee
International and Global Missions
Mennonite Central Committee (MCC), a worldwide ministry of Anabaptist churches, shares God’s love and compassion for all in the name of Christ by responding to basic human needs and working for peace and justice. MCC envisions communities worldwide in right relationship with God, one another and creation.
We engage with MCC by:
- Volunteering at the MCC Material Resources Center of Harleysville. The Material Resource Center of Harleysville’s mission is to support the global ministry of MCC by communicating both the need and the opportunities to give material resources to those suffering from poverty, oppression, natural disasters and war.
- Assembling kits and sewing comforters. MCC sends these supplies around the world offering comfort to families facing disaster or crisis.
- Donating grocery bags. Each year, MCC East Coast partners with Anabaptist churches in Pennsylvania and New York to distribute nearly 3,000 grocery-packed boxes through congregations’ local ministries.
- Supporting Care & Share Thrift Shoppes, part of the MCC Thrift Network. MCC Thrift is an affordable and environmentally friendly way to support MCC’s ministries.
- Participating in the Pennsylvania Relief Sale and My Coins Count collection, both generating funds for MCC. Each year, MCC relief sales offer a chance for fun while raising millions of dollars for MCC’s relief, development and peace work around the world.
- Supporting the International Volunteer Exchange Program (IVEP), a yearlong work and cultural exchange opportunity for young, Christian adults emphasizing peacemaking and building understanding across cultures.
- Serving with MCC, both in the U.S. and internationally as service workers and Serving And Learning Together (SALT) participants.
Giving to MCC’s “Where Needed Most” fund. Through this gift of hope, MCC is meeting urgent needs, helping to build peace and investing in long-term change in communities.
Big Sky Bible Camp
Big Sky Bible Camp is a summer camp and conference center located in Northwest Montana. Big Sky runs day camp, traditional camp, backpacking programs as well as a camp for those with special needs. Jamy Landis, director is a member of Franconia and grew up attending there. Franconia regularly supports Jamy and his family. Beyond that, numerous individuals and groups have come out to Big Sky to serve.
FMC Prison Ministry
“I was in prison and you came to visit me,” (Matthew 25: 36)
We minister in SCI Graterford, Montgomery, and Bucks County Prisons to let the men and women know that God still loves them and has Forgiveness, Grace, & Mercy for them. We encourage with the scriptures and give them eternal hope through Jesus Christ our Lord as their Savior. We teach bible & Celebrate Recovery Inside (CRI) and do mentoring.
“May the God of Hope fill you with all Joy and Peace as you Trust in Him, so that you may Overflow with Hope by the Power of the Holy Spirit” (Romans 15:13).
We Care Prison Ministry
We Care is a prison ministry program based in Atmore, Alabama. The vision of We Care Program is to see the redemptive power of Christ become evident in the lives of inmates as they grow and make disciples in prison and beyond. Our mission is to fulfill the Great Commission of Christ through chaplaincy in the correctional setting. We Care Program pursues its purpose by placing and training missionary chaplains to serve in correctional facilities in Alabama, Ohio and Florida.
We Care also pursues its purpose by providing outreach opportunities and experiences which give participants an increased passion for missions and further development of spiritual gifts for more effective service in their local churches and communities.
Push the Rock
Push The Rock is a global sports ministry organization dedicated to sharing the love of Christ through the platform of sports. The ministry works with churches and missionaries throughout the world using sports to create opportunities to build relationships, share the Gospel and make disciples. Franconia Mennonite Church has supported Dustin and Hannah Leatherman for the past 10 years as they serve in this ministry.
Independent Missionary Network
Estaban’s mission goals are to “do life” with people, food & school programs, street evangelism and house church planting in Guatemala
Chosen 300
International and Global Missions
Chosen 300 is a 501c3 non-profit which brings people of different membership groups together; helping them to realize that despite our differences in our race, ethnic group, denomination, social class, economic classes, or the diverse ways we practice our faith; we can unify ourselves for the common good. The purpose of our unification is to distribute meals and services to the homeless throughout the Philadelphia Region and around the world.
Franconia Mennonite partners with Chosen 300 to administer a monthly food distribution in Monrovia Liberia for unprivileged families.
Mennonite Central Committee
International and Global Missions
Mennonite Central Committee (MCC), a worldwide ministry of Anabaptist churches, shares God’s love and compassion for all in the name of Christ by responding to basic human needs and working for peace and justice. MCC envisions communities worldwide in right relationship with God, one another and creation.
We engage with MCC by:
- Volunteering at the MCC Material Resources Center of Harleysville. The Material Resource Center of Harleysville’s mission is to support the global ministry of MCC by communicating both the need and the opportunities to give material resources to those suffering from poverty, oppression, natural disasters and war.
- Assembling kits and sewing comforters. MCC sends these supplies around the world offering comfort to families facing disaster or crisis.
- Donating grocery bags. Each year, MCC East Coast partners with Anabaptist churches in Pennsylvania and New York to distribute nearly 3,000 grocery-packed boxes through congregations’ local ministries.
- Supporting Care & Share Thrift Shoppes, part of the MCC Thrift Network. MCC Thrift is an affordable and environmentally friendly way to support MCC’s ministries.
- Participating in the Pennsylvania Relief Sale and My Coins Count collection, both generating funds for MCC. Each year, MCC relief sales offer a chance for fun while raising millions of dollars for MCC’s relief, development and peace work around the world.
- Supporting the International Volunteer Exchange Program (IVEP), a yearlong work and cultural exchange opportunity for young, Christian adults emphasizing peacemaking and building understanding across cultures.
- Serving with MCC, both in the U.S. and internationally as service workers and Serving And Learning Together (SALT) participants.
Giving to MCC’s “Where Needed Most” fund. Through this gift of hope, MCC is meeting urgent needs, helping to build peace and investing in long-term change in communities.