Online Giving is Easy

Online Giving is Easy

Vanco Donation

Please click here to donate to the general church funds or one of our partners. Thank you in advance for your support!

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is Franconia Mennonite Church participating in electronic giving?
Franconia Mennonite Church has previously offered electronic giving options. However, these options were limited in their flexibility and scalability. They also involved a lot of setup and were not as cost effective as other options. The current solution, VANCO, is user friendly, scalable, available via the internet as well as mobile application (app) and is more cost effective than the previous option. VANCO serves over 30,000 clients and process more than $13.1 billion on a yearly basis.
Who can participate?
Anyone can participate in the electronic giving program as long as they have a bank account.
What happens if I participate in electronic giving and I want to give a one time gift on Sunday morning in the offering boxes?

Feel free to drop your offering in the boxes as you enter the auditorium.  Use the blue envelopes provided and indicate the amount, designated giving and offering number if you have one.

What if I incorrectly submit a contribution?
If you make a gift you did not intend to make or put in an amount larger than you intended, please contact the church office. If you overdraw your account, both you and the church will be notified and a fee could be charged by your bank to you and by VANCO to the church.
What funds can I give to through the system?

The VANCO system allows giving for any church fund including the general fund, missions, and all approved non-profits listed on the giving page.

What if I have not given to Franconia Mennonite Church in the past and want to regularly give electronically at this point?
Please sign up for a VANCO account and let the church office know that you plan on giving regularly. The church office will create year-end contribution receipts for you.
How do I give electronically?

There are two options to give electronically – the website and the mobile app.

Website: Go to and click on the “give” button in the menu bar.  Click sign up.  (After initial sign up you will click “log in”) Follow the prompts to complete account creation.

Mobile App: Download via Google Play or the Apple Store (search for Vanco GivePlus).

If you decide that you don’t need physical envelopes to give in future years, please notify the church office so they can remove you from the envelope order.

Can I give different amounts each week?
The giver has complete control over how much they give and how often. There is no limit on the numbers of times that anyone can give or the dollar amount.
Can I stop participating in electronic giving?
Yes, at any point you can stop giving electronically and give through the physical envelope system.
How are year-end tax contributions reported?
VANCO integrates with the current church reporting software, hence, all year-end tax contribution receipts will include contributions from envelopes, the VANCO website, and the VANCO mobile app.
Will my contribution be decreased if I use the electronic giving system?
No, your contribution through the system will be applied to your contribution account in the same amount of the donation. For example, a $100 donation on the electronic system will result in a $100 charitable contribution.
What is the fee the church pays to use the system?
The church pays a 1% processing fee on the total amount given as well as a $0.45 batch transaction fee. There is also a small monthly software subscription fee.

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