Who is Worthy?

September 17, 2023
This week we will be participating in Communion and Foot washing together. God inspired Paul to write to the church in Corinth about how they were abusing the Lord’s Supper.…
“For the past 11 years, it has been an honor and a privilege to serve as one of your pastors.  Wherever we end up in life, our family will always…

The Good News of Easter

April 17, 2022
Scattered through the New Testament we find short, dense summaries of the good news of Jesus Christ.  Two of these – one from Peter (Acts 10:24-44) and one from Paul…
We’re kicking off a new sermon series this Sunday on God, Sex, & Church: a theology of sexuality.  Why are we preaching about sex?  There are important biblical, cultural, contextual,…